Why work from home?
If you have a home-based business, if you are a consultant or small entrepreneur you are already working from home. If you work in a large corporate office, here is a simple and sound reason to work from home regularly: to focus on a project or task without the gazillion inevitable distractions that occur when others are around.

Busy offices are distracting.
Michael Simmons of Transport Training Solutions, a $3 million a year and growing Australian company works from his home office one day a week. He says he needs to “get away from the hustle and bustle of the office and just clear my head to focus on things that are important to the business without reacting to every little thing that was going on around me.” He is a regular “remote boss.”
Studies support that people who do “creative” work at home – and I include problem solving, proposal writing, strategizing, etc. as creative work – perform better than when they work in a busy multi-person office. It may be the distraction factor in large offices.
An additional perk: “It’s also a great way to empower staff to deal with stuff when I’m not around.”
This sounds like a win:win for everyone.
Simmons has instituted a similar work-from-home policy for his employees and is impressed with the results. Consider doing this for yourself or for your employees.
Learn how to set-up an efficient and comfortable home office. Get a copy of The Smarter Home Office:8 Simple Steps to Increase Your Income, Inspiration and Comfort.
photo by Victor1558
Another good post. Thinking of how to get the book [Wisdom for Separated Parents:Rearranging Around the Children to Keep Kinship Strong] into paperback and doing another one about stepmothers in their 60’s and 70’s. Another wisdom kind of thing. Judy
Judy, thanks for your support.
Readers- Judy is part of the writers’ support group that was invaluable in helping me write my own book: The Smarter Home Office. Check out Judy’s book Wisdom for Separated Parents. It has true wisdom, heart and humor.