Reviews: Great Stuff and the Occasional Rant

Discover cool products that really work, plus reviews, personal observations and the occasional rant. (Also miscellaneous articles I didn’t know where else to post.) Share your thoughts and opinions here.

Tips on Video Calls for Business Success: Skype is Not Just for Grandma

A few weeks ago I shared a post with you about home office video call and video conference bloopers, including too “casual” dress and messy home offices visible in the background.  I want to give you some tips on how to get the most out of home office video calls and conferencing. Eric Bloom of…There’s more. Click here.

15 Minutes to Fake a Clean Home Office and Other Silliness

I try not to take myself or my home office work too seriously. Following some online threads I came across two web posts that made me laugh. One is  about how to get a quick clean home office  and the other about a laptop chair that is better in concept than the reality of the…There’s more. Click here.

Second Round Readers’ Survey of New Logo – please excuse the random layout, trouble with the software

There's more. Click here.

Is the Home Office Bad for Introverts?

There has been a lot of talk recently about the power of quiet and the important contributions and innovations introverts make. A spin-off of this discussion on questions if working at home is bad for introverts. Will introverted telecommuters become emotionally isolated? Introverts and extroverts handle energy differently, according to psychologist Carl Jung.  And…There’s more. Click here.

Smarter Home Office Logo Reader Survey

I have been doing some doodling and after two years of being stuck on a logo for The Smarter Home Office I have come up with some possibilities. Please let me know what you think of them and which one you like best.   Please excuse the blurry quality of the images and text, I had…There’s more. Click here.