Declutter Home Office Financial Documents: What to Save and What to Shred

Decluttering Home Office Financial and tax documents

What Tax Documents to Save or Shred is not a Crap-Shoot

January: a new year; a new start. You want to declutter your office, especially your papers and files. Financial papers and tax records present a particular challenge.  I have had some clients confess to saving every bill and receipt from the last twenty years.

A recent article by Ken Belson for the New York Times explains what papers you need to keep for the IRS and what you can let go of.

  • You need to keep all of your files forever only if you have committed fraud – there is no statute of limitations.
  • If the IRS thinks you have under reported your income by 25% or more they can audit you going back six years.
  • Otherwise you only need to keep detailed records for three years.
  • Beyond that simply keep your tax returns and proof of payment of your taxes.

You can read the official IRS guide – Publication 552, which is written in regular English instead of accountant-ese.

Now excuse me while I shred all my receipts from before 2007. ;-)

If you would like to learn more about home office paper organization – check out my book The Smarter Home Office available on Amazon.

Photo by Alan Cleaver


  1. discharge papers . .Receipts for items you may return or may need for warranty purposes until they expire .This list is in no way comprehensive.

    • Edward-

      You are right, in no way is this list complete. I simply wanted readers to know they do not have to keep every piece of paper and receipt forever.

      Thanks for mentioning discharge papers in your comment.

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