NEVER take home office decoration too seriously.
- The matchy-poo
- The over-thought
- The over-decorated.

Inspire yourself with whimsy and fun.
In your home office you can express yourself more than in a corporate office.
- Express your personality (home office set up: art first furniture second).
- Have fun with whimsy.
- Go BIG
Sometimes you need something in your home office to perk yourself up. Something that will inspire you and bring a smile to your face. Boring home offices are as unproductive as cluttered home offices.
If you are lucky and have a child in your life, their artwork can lift your spirits. It reminds you of:
- the child that gave it to you,
- the magical moment you received it (the glow on your child’s face and the glow inside you) and
- the pure (uncritical) joy that goes into creativity.
If you don’t have art BY a child in your life, then display art that captures the joy of childhood: art made FOR children:
- Illustrations from your favorite children’s book
- Poster art for kids (if possible, avoid over-commercialized cartoon characters)
- Bold graphic art that is for the child in all of us. has a great selection of art for children:
- Modern, vintage and classic.
- Big, bold graphics, Bright colors,
- Dr. Suess, Tenniel or Wyeth
Or copy a page from your favorite children’s book and display it for fun and inspiration.
Surprise yourself with what delights you and make it part of your home office.
Reclaim your childhood dreams as expressed by and for children: Dancing, flying an airplane, climbing mountains or making snow angels. Reclaim your inspiration.
Image by Kristiana Pärn