Home Office Improvements Are About More Than Making Things Pretty
Working from your home office it is easy to focus on a project or deadline and let the physical environment of your workspace slide. It is easier to focus on your client rather than yourself.
Does your home office pass the client visit test?
Even if clients do not come to your office, don’t you deserve to work in a comfortable, attractive and professional space?

Would you love to work in an attractive home office like this? Newly painted walls, IKEA furniture, a vintage chair and a sweet dog,
What transformed a failing school district into a top-performer?
The administration acted on the teachers’ wish-list and improved the schools’ appearance and amenities. The schools were repaired and the morale and performance of teachers and students soared.
“Maintaining a high-quality physical environment is central to employee motivation and performance. …Everything about it signifies how much the organization cares.” -Rosabeth Moss Kanter, the Harvard Business Review online
In these tough times you deserve to have a home office designed to inspire and motivate you.
It is easy to tell yourself “I am the only one who sees my office,” but a messy, worn or make-do office sends you a powerful message everyday: You don’t count. Your work doesn’t matter.
Step back and take a real look at your office. Are you making do with:
- A cheap desk lamp from college that doesn’t illuminate your desktop?
- A chair from your kitchen, or an old desk chair that has quietly died, that gives you no ergonomic support?
- Are you bored out of your brain with the color on your office walls?
Making home office improvements does not mean emptying your wallet.
Pick what will make the most positive impact to your work mood. Fix it, re-purpose something from another room in your house that will work better, or replace it with something new.
An attractive workspace is not an indulgence, it supports personal motivation and professional self-image.
A boring office is just an unproductive as a cluttered office.
Find inspiration to make home office improvements for a home office that looks more professional and is more productive with The Smarter Home Office: 8 Simple Steps to Increase Income, Inspiration and Comfort. Available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle.
photo by nkeppol