The extreme natural disasters in the news of tornadoes in Oklahoma, flooding in Georgia, and wild fires in Colorado leads to two thoughts: Where is your home office? And where is your data?
Where is your home office?
Where your home office is is just as important as how your home office is set-up.

Office with flood damage: Computers and files destroyed. A total loss. Learn how to protect your home office and your data.
There is little you can do to protect a home office from a super tornado or a wild fire, but you can protect your home office from flood damage. If your home office is in your basement or garage you are more vulnerable to flood damage. Even a foot of water in your basement can destroy your electronics and files. There are several reasons why a home office in the basement is a no-no and what other spaces in your home are not good for your office. [link] Vulnerability to water damage is just one of them.
You may have space in your basement, but is this the best place for you to work? There may be an overlooked and underused space for a home office upstairs that works better for you.
Where is your data?
If you haven’t done it by now, back-up your data with a service like Carbonite or Mozy. Not only does this save your bacon (as it did mine) if your computer has a fatal crash, it also saves you if a natural disaster strikes or your roof leaks.
The fact is no one’s home office is absolutely safe. Just as you take precautions to protect yourself and your family; take precautions to protect your home office and your data.
To learn more about where to find safe and comfortable space for a home office get your own copy of The Smarter Home Office: 8 Simple Steps to Increase Your Income, Inspiration and Comfort available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle editions.
photo by Justin Brockie