“We Can’t Do It Alone.” – Jane Pollack, entrepreneur mentor It’s very revealing when you sign-in to an online webinar or teleseminar ahead of time. You get to listen-in on the presenter and host talking to each other or the participants as they arrive. This can reveal a lot about a presenter. Prior to a…There’s more. Click here.
Home Office Write Board Hack: Visually Think Out-Loud with Elegance
Write boards and their many variations are a great time management and productivity tool. You can use them to keep to-do lists, plot project management, or to THINK BIG in a visual way. I used a white board to plan this website and other big projects that have several parts (moving or otherwise) and will…There’s more. Click here.
New Year/New Business Card: How Can You Network Without Business Cards?
At recent networking/professional events I was startled when I asked for a person’s business card and heard “sorry I don’t have any.” Some people said they didn’t have any on them, some said they were just starting/changing their business and so didn’t have one yet. Everyone should have a business card or at least a…There’s more. Click here.
Home Office New Year’s Resolutions: Why Your Subconscious Sabotages You & How to Use Psychology to Craft Successful Resolutions
New Year’s means a fresh start to live better, be better and work better. The Market and the Media take advantage of this desire to improve yourself with a tidal wave of ads for products/programs/books that promise to “help you lose weight.” But that very phrase, “lose weight” is the key to the failure to…There’s more. Click here.
Home Office Time Management Secret to “Get It Done”
Time management is a special challenge for those who work from a home office as an entrepreneur, remote worker, or freelancer. If you do remote work, your boss sets the priorities and it’s up to you to juggle all your tasks to make it happen. If you do freelance work in a home office, you…There’s more. Click here.