Easy Home Office Cable Labels: Bread Bag Tags

I have written about the sanity saving practice of labeling your cables and cords, but I came across a new approach that is brilliant in its simplicity. Unplggd posted a great DIY of using bread bag tags – those hard plastic crescents that keep the bag closed and have the “sell by” date on them.…There’s more. Click here.

Privacy in the Corporate Office and the Home Office

The Wall Street Journal had an article about what architects and interior designers think would make a perfect senior manager office; an office that supports productivity and inspiration. Out of four nationally known design firms all four proposed a glass wall between the private office and the common office space.  Their theory is if the…There’s more. Click here.

Home Office Tech Smarts: Symptoms of a Dying Laptop or Computer

If you are like me, buying a new computer is more daunting than buying a new car.  Somehow RAM, gigabytes and processors are more confusing than cylinders, horsepower and a CD player. Recently my laptop was showing signs of collapse.  A week later Unplggd posted an article about the symptoms of a computer on the…There’s more. Click here.

3 Options to Help You De-Clutter Your Email Inbox

The day after I bought and registered the warrantee for a new printer for my home office I started receiving multiple emails touting their other products. Sorry, not interested. Does your email inbox look like a traffic jam? Do you keep getting the same junk mail over and over again? You have three ways to…There’s more. Click here.

The Minimalist Office: A Humorous Video Response by Yuvi Zalkow

After re-doing my home office closet and documenting it for my blog and newsletter.  And then writing another article and newsletter on the Buddha’s lesson on burdens we choose to carry, and connecting this teaching to the clutter we carry through our lives , I thought I had run our of ideas. Just in time…There’s more. Click here.