How many phone books do you have in your home office? How many do you actually use? Do you have out-dated directories or out-dated out-of-town phone books? Where do you store them? They are not only bulky and heavy, but they are floppy. Do you realize that it take 19 million trees annually to make…There’s more. Click here.
Mind Mapping: A Creative Technique for Getting Your Brain on Paper
A recent The Smarter Home Office blog post quoted John Cleese saying that we don’t get our ideas from our laptops. Well if you shouldn‘t use your computer to create, then what do you use? A big piece of paper, colored pens and your imagination! Remember being taught in school how to develop an outline?…There’s more. Click here.
The Write Pen to Make Your Work Life Easier
What kind of “writing instruments” do you have in your desk drawer or pencil mug? Are they dried out or clogged ball point pens, or blunt pencils? Do you have a collection of junky cheap pens with the name of various businesses on them? Not only is the clutter the kind that sneaks up on…There’s more. Click here.
Work at Home: Think (and Draw) Big with IdeaPaint
This week, October 3-9 is National Work from Home Week, honoring the people who contribute to our economy and our culture from their home offices. This week The Smarter Home Office will post a blog a day to celebrate this week and to celebrate you. “Make no small plans. They have no magic to stir…There’s more. Click here.
John Cleese on Creativity: Make Space and Time Boundaries
“We don’t know where we get out ideas from. We do know we do not get them from our laptops.” – John Cleese Most people who work at home so some sort of creative work. Whether you are a free-lancer or a home-based entrepreneur you are problem-solving and thinking outside the box at least part…There’s more. Click here.