When the weather is sunny and warm, working on a laptop outdoors beckons any remote worker or home-based entrepreneur. Getting out of your office regularly is essential for productivity and creativity , but a short-lived laptop battery can squash your plans for mobile working.

Prepare your laptop battery so you can enjoy the pleasures of work outdoors anytime.
A recent article on Worksnug lists ten ways to keep your laptop battery working at peak performance, so you can too. Richard Leyland recommends battery savers from the obvious but rarely used power saver mode and screen brightness settings (my screen is now easier on my eyes), to debunking the myth that laptop batteries must be depleted occasionally.
What I didn’t know was:
- Keep your laptop hard drive lean and clean: declutter, clean and defrag your hard drive regularly of unnecessary files and programs.
- Working in battery mode every couple of weeks gives your laptop battery the workout it needs to stay in shape.
- Think twice about what you have plugged into your USP ports that drain energy – An external keyboard or mouse.
- Focus and save energy – Close unnecessary files, apps and programs (Facebook or iTunes). Or work off-line.
A few simple steps will make your laptop ready for peak performance whenever the outdoors beckons.
Learn more about how to set up a productive and positive home office with The Smarter Home Office: 8 Simple Steps to Increase Your Income, Inspiration and Comfort.
photo by mikecogh